
Showcasing our achievements and recognition in tribal welfare initiatives.

80g: While 12A registration benefits the NGO, 80G registration is intended to incentivise donors.

It allows individuals or entities who donate to a 12A-registered NGO to claim a deduction on their income tax. This deduction is a percentage of the amount donated and can significantly reduce the donor's taxable income.

12a:Under Section 12A of the Income Tax Act, 1961, non-profit organisations like charitable trusts, welfare societies, NGOs, religious institutions, etc. are entitled to tax exemptions.

By laws: By-laws of a society are a set of rules and regulations that govern the society's internal operations and management. They are created by the society itself to ensure its smooth functioning and to regulate the behavior of its members.

A "registration certificate as per society" refers to the official document issued by the relevant government authority confirming the legal registration of a society,

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